Why get a Low SAT/ACT Score?

According to our experience tutors, most of the students who didn’t get a high SAT/ACT score were because:

They do not choose the most efficient method to solve a question

24/7 Support

We offer round-the-clock support to ensure you can access our tutors, study materials, and resources whenever needed.

They misunderstand the question

Full Score Report

By accurately sizing up your performance on practice tests and suggesting focus areas, our detailed practice score reports give you all the information you need.

They waste time trying to memorize everything

What Makes IBAC Special?

We prioritize
Maximum Results. Minimum Time.

Experienced Tutors

We don’t use any pre-made online SAT/ACT prep courses. All tutoring sessions involve a young, engaging tutor who focuses on students’ needs and improves students’ weaknesses. Learn more about our tutors.  

Course Features

Introducing our SAT Tutor Course Feature: The Ultimate Solution to Acing Your SATs!

Are you struggling to crack the SAT exam, despite putting in long hours of studying and practice tests? Do you feel like you need some extra guidance and support to achieve your target score?

Look no further! Our SAT Tutor Course Feature is the perfect solution for you!

We understand that the SAT exam is an essential milestone for aspiring college students. Here at IB Academic Center, we have designed a unique and comprehensive SAT Tutor Course Feature to help you achieve your desired score.

Our SAT Tutor Course Feature includes the following:

Practice Tools

Practice makes perfect with online drills, questions, and tests. Become ultra-familiar with the test through 240 online drills, 2000+ online practice questions, and online practice tests.

Our SAT Tutor Course is the right antidote for those who urge to get high SAT/ACT scores. So why wait? Sign up for our SAT Tutor Course today, and let us help you succeed in your SAT exams!